View Glossary Terms

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Assists staff in evaluating credentials of applicants in accordance with SIOR’s admissions policies and procedures.
Organizations with a vital interest in Corporate real estate services and industrial or office development.
The purpose of the SIOR Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities for: the financial reporting process, the system of internal control, the system of risk management, the external audit of the financial statements, ...
Twenty-two member body establishes policy, national dues, and annual budgets; approves Bylaws amendments, adopts strategic plans, and acts on committee recommendations.
Reviews SIOR financial statements, monitors income and expenses, and presents the annual budget for approval to the Board of Directors.
Industrial and office brokerage specialists with three to eight years' experience who are working toward earning the SIOR designation.
The context of this code outlines the criteria and procedures for filing ethics complaints and mediations.
The SIOR Commercial Real Estate Index is an attitudinal survey of local markets completed by commercial real estate market experts (SIOR members). The survey is conducted quarterly and helps measure the state of the commercial real estate market for the United States. ...
Provides programs and speakers at SIOR World Conferences.
Composed of Speaker and Speaker-Elect, Vice President of SIOR, Chapter Presidents and Vice Presidents, and the SIOR Immediate Past President. Provides visionary leadership, analyzes chapter issues and programs, and addresses changes in SIOR policies, rules or progr ...